The Time2justice’s “Reply on Documents” feature allows users to reply to different types of legal documents. Thanks to our AI technology, it is possible to create precise and legally valid responses to legal notices, demands for payments, and other important legal documents in a matter of seconds.
By selecting the Reply on Document feature, you can avoid the need to wait for legal experts or spend unnecessary time on complex legal matters. The Reply on Document feature helps as an effective aid for handling legal interactions efficiently.
How Reply On Document Different Than The Other Platforms
Other platforms like ChatGPT, AskYourPDF and Gemini offer similar functionalities, But Time2Justice sets itself apart by being specifically designed for legal matters. Our AI powered system Reply on Document has been pre-trained with legal documents, ensuring that every response it generates comes from a legal perspective.
How To Use Reply On Documents
Go to website
On the Home page you will see in the box Reply On Document, Click on that or you can go from our services menu which is provided in the navbar Service → Document → Reply On Document.
In the Reply On Document Page, you have to upload the document. (Accepted file types: .pdf, .pptx, .txt, .docx, .doc.)
You can add additional information if you would like to add in the reply and click on the GENERATE REPLY button.
Our Services
Legal Queries And Legal Documentation
- GST is applicable
- Time limit: 1 days
- Save 16%
- GST is applicable
- Time limit: 30 days
- Save 72%
- GST is applicable
- Time limit: 365 days
AI Background Check
Profiling + Verification
Only Profiling
Only Verification
How Does Our Technology Work
Our AI-powered technology has been pre-trained with a vast database of legal documents. This allows it to understand the response of legal language, structure, and requirements. When a user uploads a legal document, such as a court notice or a legal demand letter, the system analyzes the content and context of the document. Based on this analysis, it generates a reply addressing the specific legal issues raised by the author of the document.
For example, If you receive a court notice from the other party involved in a legal dispute. Instead of scrambling to find a lawyer or attempting to draft a response on your own, you can simply upload the notice to the platform. This feature will then analyze the notice and generate a well-structured and legally sound response that you can send back to the other party.
The creators of Time2Justice have designed this feature for people who require legal assistance. Because its AI system comes pre-loaded with legal materials, it ensures that every response is given from a legal perspective, making it a trustworthy resource for any legal activity.